Deleting Resources and cleaning up AWS Account using Cloud-Nuke
Abhishek Sharma
November 21, 2022
Cloud-nuke is a tool that can save you a lot of time if you want to clean up your aws resources.
Please before you use cloud-nuke, be very careful as this tool is extremely destructive. You can easily destroy production systems or live client environments with this if you’re careless.
It can help you in the following ways:
- Clean up free tier training accounts and avoiding going above your limits
- Reduce cost by deleting older resources that you don’t need in your aws account that cost you money. An example can be ebs snapshots.
- To enable fresh start because you may have created some resources in a test environment, and you want to start over.
I highly recommend you do a --dry-run without taking any action to see all the resources that will be deleted before engaging. It's very important.
Cloud-nuke can wipe out the following:
- EC2
- Elastic IP
- Lambda Function
- Snapshots
A full updated list can be seen by running cloud-nuke --help
To start, check your
Check your current os
~$ uname -m
Then go to, choose and run your corresponding version.
Rename it to cloud-nuke using mv command so as to run it as cloud-nuke.
**Give executable rightsPP
~$ chmod +x cloud-nuke
Run the version command to check it’s installed properly
~$ ./cloud-nuke -v
For help, run
~$ ./cloud-nuke --help
Run this command to check the resources Nuke can wipe out:
~$ ./cloud-nuke aws --list-resource-types
To nuke entire aws account
~$ ./cloud-nuke aws
To delete resources in a particular region, use--exclude-region value
Example, to delete in us-east-2
~$ ./cloud-nuke aws --region us-east-2
If more than one region, include multiple times
~$ ./cloud-nuke aws --region us-east-1 --region us-west-2 --region eu-central-1
To delete all but exclude a particular region, use --exclude-region value
Example: to delete all resources except us-east-1
~$ ./cloud-nuke aws --exclude-region us-east-1
To nuke a particular resource type, use --resource-type value
Example: to delete only one resource say ec-2
~$ ./cloud-nuke aws --resource-type ec2
To nuke multiple resources use --resource-type value multiple times
Example: to delete only ec-2, s3. rds
~$ ./cloud-nuke aws --resource-type ec2 --resource-type s3 --resource-type rds
To nuke all resources excluding a particular resource, use --exclude-resource-type value
Example: to delete everything excluding only s3
$ ./cloud-nuke aws --region us-west-2 --resource-type-exclude s3
To nuke all resources excluding some particular resources, use --exclude-resource-type value multiple times
Example: to delete everything except RDS, S3 and your snapshots
~$ ./cloud-nuke aws --exclude-resource-type ec2 --exclude-resource-type s3 --exclude-resource-type snap
./cloud-nuke aws --exclude-resource-type s3 --exclude-region us-east-2
To nuke resources based on their age, use --older-than value
This will only delete resources older than this specified value. Can be any valid duration, such as 10m or 8h. (default: "0s") This will accept input in “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”.
Example: to delete any snapshots older than 2 days,
~$ cloud-nuke aws --resource-type snap --older-than 48h --region us-west-1